Case Study: TUI Produces Catalog on EIZO ColorEdge CG277 For the Best Time of the Year
TUI offers extraordinary travel experiences in order to fulfill its brand claim ‘Discover your smile.’ The company’s elaborately-designed travel catalog provides an important contribution as it takes potential holidaymakers on a journey of discovery, allowing them to successfully plan their trip.
It therefore doesn’t come as a surprise that the travel agents already have high requirements for the catalog production and select only the best technical equipment. The catalog’s impressive color and image design make the content both easily digestible and enjoyable to boot.
TUI Deutschland GmbH, headquartered in Hanover, Germany, therefore has good reason for using EIZO CG277 ColorEdge monitors since autumn 2014. The colors displayed on the monitor are an exact match to the colors in the proof and final print. This means that the images can already be soft-proofed on the monitor, saving on time-consuming, expensive correction runs.
Color stability, scope of the displayable gamuts, calibration, and the handling and size of the device were the key features of the EIZO ColorEdge CG277, which won over Germany’s market leader in the tourism industry.
Our thanks to: TUI Deutschland (German) |