EIZO's Visual Solutions for the OR and beyond
CuratOR SC430-PTR - Surgical field camera system

Bring the surgical team 30X closer
In today’s operating room environment, it’s critical to keep essential team members inside the OR and non-essential members out. This is the only medical grade camera system that utilizes a 30X optical zoom lens. This can help reduce the chance of spreading infections while enabling staff members outside of the operating room to view detailed surgical images in 4K.

Fully integrated camera mount
The camera is fully integrated on a triaxial mount and can pan +/-170 degrees and tilt +90/-30 degrees. It also features a unique lens roll with +/-165 degrees enabling precise positioning.

Obstruction free viewing
Typical surgical field cameras are integrated into surgical lights. Often, it’s difficult to position the light and the camera as the surgeon's head and hands may obstruct the view. The SC430-PTR can be mounted on a dedicated boom arm, allowing it to be positioned independently, providing the optimum viewpoint.

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