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Confirm Serial Number in OSD Menu

Confirm the serial number in the on-screen display menu (FlexScan EV2335W)

1. Press the ENTER button on the front bezel.


2. Use the arrow keys to choose "Information" and then push the ENTER button.


3. The product name and the serial number will be displayed. In this example, the product name is FlexScan EV2335W and the serial number (denoted as "S/N") is 37840091.


Confirm the serial number in the on-screen display menu (FORIS FS2332)

1. Push the MENU button of the remote control that came bundled with the FORIS FS2332


2. Use the arrow keys to choose "Information" and then push the ENTER button.


3. The product name and the serial number will be displayed. In this example, the product name is FORIS FS2332 and the serial number (denoted as "S/N") is 32494101.


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